The Forest High School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Telephone02 9451 5111

Student representative council

At The Forest High School we have a strong focus on promoting positive values. Students develop a clear sense of responsibility and social awareness. Through participation in the school's decision making processes and leadership programs, our students gain valuable experience and nurture the communications skills needed for life. There are many opportunities for students at The Forest High School to take on positions of leadership.

The role of Captain is the highest student position within the school. As well as representing the student body, the School Captains represent the whole school, its philosophy, values and traditions. Also representing the student body within the school are the Sports Captains, Performing Arts Captains, Environment Captains and Prefects.  Elections for leadership positions are held each year in Term 3.

The Forest High School SRC gives many students across all school years the opportunity to experience leadership roles, learn new skills and develop their sense of responsibility and community mindedness. Elected representatives from each school year group become involved in the democratic process, discover leadership, engage their peers in finding a voice, become more tolerant and co-operative members of society and develop a sense of responsibility, pride and loyalty to their school.

Student Representative Council 2025


Scout Twidale

Ben Costa

Vice Captains

Zoe Castle

Toby Vilnis

Sports Captains

Rebekah Kifooti

Hugh Bates

Performing Arts Captain

Charlie Berry


Environment Captains

Georgia Copland

Conall Quirk


William Baylis

Indiana Munro

Emma Nguyen

Andrea Olivar

Hailey Pham

Ty Wheatley

House Captains

Ares - Poppy Button & Coen Clark

Athena - Ada Vachon & Max Sheppard

Poseidon - Gemma White & Bede Carr

Zeus - Mia De Angelis & Charlie Ashton