Students are offered a wide range of subjects from the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) syllabi. Subject selection for Year 11 and 12 subjects takes place during Term 2 of Year 10. Students select six two unit subjects (12 units) of study in Year 11 and a minimum of 10 units of study in their Year 12 HSC course.
Year 12 students are encouraged to maintain 12 units of study, or more if they are undertaking extension courses, however, students may elect to drop one of their 2 unit courses to a 10 unit pattern of study after completion of Year 11 at the end of Term 3.
Extension courses of one unit value across Year 11 and 12 may be chosen in consultation with teachers and by meeting the prerequisite level of study in 2 unit courses. Extension courses currently offered include English, Mathematics, Science, History and Music.
To meet the requirements of Year 11 courses students must complete mandatory course assessments and need to demonstrate due diligence and sustained effort across the Year 11 program. The Year 12 program commences at the beginning of Term 4 each year and the pattern of study includes completing mandatory assessments and again due diligence and sustained effort must be demonstrated in each subject along with the completion of Higher School Certificate Examinations in most subjects.
Subjects offered to senior students include Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. School based SVET courses and TAFE based TVET courses may be undertaken as part of a senior student’s pattern of study. Qualified VET teachers deliver these courses at school and students attending TAFE are supported by our Careers Adviser in selection of and enrolment in these courses.
The Forest High School actively implements programs to inform, support and educate students and their parents and carers in the subject selection process, NESA requirements and supports students with a dedicated study skills program that commences in Year 7 and continues over the six years of education for all students at The Forest High School.
Year 12 Assessment
The Year 12 HSC Assessment Booklets provides information on course outlines, assessment requirements, task descriptions and due dates as well as an assessment planner
Year 12 2025 Assessment Booklet
The dates of these tasks can also be accessed via the school calendar (Year 12 tab) on the Sentral Student and Parent Portal
Year 12 Information
Students who need to apply for illness and misadventure consideration must complete the following document on their return to school
The Forest High School Illness and Misadventure Application
The Forest High School Illness and Misadventure Appeal Form