The Forest High School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Telephone02 9451 5111

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a voluntary program that has been enriching the lives of young people since 1956. Participants design their own unique program that challenges them to set and meet goals while forging qualities of strength, resolve and commitment. Open to young people aged 14-25, the program is run in over 140 countries and is available at Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels. Each of these levels has four sections - Skill, Service, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journeys. Additionally, the Gold Award has a fifth section- the Residential Project.

The Award Framework

Students that express an interest can contact Mr Argue in G Block and he will add you to the Canvas Course which contains all the information about how to sign up. Mr Argue then provides support to students to establish their goals and set-up a program to achieve their award.